After a LONG hiatus, I am back at this blogging thing. School started 09.09.09 and the kids were knitting by the end of the week. I have so much personal knitting to post, but can't wait to show you what my kids have been up to. My students will be starting off with blanket strips to get the hang of knitting and to start on their community service right away.
And your eyes do not deceive, there are actual BOYS in my class this semester! We are up to 5 boys now, and they are all doing a fantastic job of casting on and knitting blanket strips.
Speaking of fantastic knitting, here are some pics from last semester.
This first hat was done by Sarah (who is off to college this week...). It is double knit, with a pattern showing on both sides. She got the pattern from a Stitch 'N Bitch book. I love the way it is gray one way and black the other. She knit it for her dad who LOVES it and can't wait for it to cool down so he can wear it.
Next up is a hat by Gabby.
She designed it herself, wrote the pattern then knit it in a few days. I told you these kids are awesome!
Final awesome hat is by Michelle.
She designed it, using the cable book by Vogue Knitting, wrote a pattern and knit it quickly. The little bobbles (berries) are so cute!
I have more of my stuff to show off soon, as well as some Paris knitting store pics. Drool.