Ronald knit a patch for the back of a jacket. It is a playing card: the ace of spades
Kiera knit some earrings. Very fashionable.
Lucy made a warm hat with ear flaps and pom poms!
Jennifer made another doll! This one is for her baby sister.
Heather models a black and gray beanie.
Donations are rolling in for Stitches From the Heart. Here is Lauren, a senior, who made 30 baby hats! Way to go Lauren!!!
My personal knitting is doing well. I have made 4 of the Sheldon turtles (enough!!!!) from and have discovered this great pattern from DIY for baby UGG boots. I can't stop making them!
Next onto the needles will be the trellis baby cable sweater from My friend Maggie is having a girl in June, and she is asking for the girliest stuff so we can play dressup with her baby, Finn. Can't wait for Finn to wear her Uggs!
Last week I took a group of students on the UCLA Research boat out of Marina del Rey. We had an awesome time!
Here is a buoy with sea lions laying around. Lucky guys!
Three snowy egrets landed on the back of the boat when we were pulling back into the marina. My supre-cool new digital camera captured this:
great stuff! What kind of camera did you get?
i got a nikon D80 for my birthday, with 2 lenses. it is a great digital camera, really more than i need for blog photos. now we are talking about a 3-week trip to China, so i can take pics.
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